Price of Innocence

· Severn House Publishers Ltd
Электронная кніга

Пра гэту электронную кнігу

Called out to investigate a suspected suicide in a luxury high-rise apartment, forensic scientist Theresa MacLean only just escapes with her life when the building is blown to smithereens. An accident – or something more sinister? A mostly empty block of trendy apartments in downtown Cleveland seems an unlikely terrorist target.

The following day, Theresa is examining another suspected suicide in a wealthy neighbourhood when the cop accompanying her is shot dead by an unseen assailant. Could the two events be connected?

As Theresa painstakingly pieces the clues she uncovers evidence of a dark secret in the murdered cop’s past.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Lisa Black is a certified latent print examiner and crime scene investigator for a south Florida police department. Prior to that, she worked as a forensic scientist for the coroner's office in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the New York Times bestselling author of five previous Theresa MacLean thrillers.

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