Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches

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· Routledge


Examine gay and lesbian psychoanalysis from a variety of perspectives!

Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches presents case histories of psychotherapy sessions with gay and lesbian patients, focusing on today's psychoanalytical approaches. Dedicated to enhancing the emotional, psychological, and psychiatric treatment of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, the book features prominent analysts with a wide range of clinical and theoretical approaches. The foremost experts in the therapeutic field address issues affecting gay and lesbian patients from psychoanalytic perspectives that respect the patients' sexual identities.

Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians reflects the significant clinical and theoretical changes therapists face in dealing with issues of gender and sexuality. New ways of thinking coexist with traditional theory as paradigm shifts in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis affect the treatment of gay, lesbian, and bisexual patients. This book provides a forum to address those changes through clinical papers and discussions.

Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians includes discussion of case reports that deal with:
  • gay therapists treating gay patients
  • countertransferential enactments of sex and gender in treatment
  • rethinking the meanings of homosexuality
  • psychotherapeutic treatment of gay male patients with AIDS
  • and much more!
Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians is an essential forum for the exchange of clinical information on gay and lesbian psychotherapy. The book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, social work therapists, psychoanalysts, and anyone interested in today's psychoanalytic approaches to homosexuality.


Jack Drescher, Ann D'Ercole, Erica Schoenberg




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