Rage issues

· Healcroft House, Publishers
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A reluctant PI with two hot cases...

All Daria Barnes wants to do is produce plays, but can't make a living at it. So, her best friend, private investigator Berto Esparza, talks her into working for him as his associate investigating the death of Larry Ochoa, drummer for country-western star Luke Winston. 

Then Berto is seriously injured in a hit and run that was probably not an accident. and Daria gets tagged with keeping the Ochoa investigation going long enough for Berto to recover. More importantly, she needs to find out who wants to kill Berto.  

No surprise, the bad guys are practically taking numbers to take Esparza out. And Luke Winston is not only keeping tabs on Daria, he's showing more than an appropriate interest in her, especially after Jay Swanson, Luke's young assistant, disappears.

It doesn't matter how many people are reminding Daria that she's a natural at the investigation game, she feels completely out of her element. As the leads go nowhere, the suspects get meaner. Daria struggles on, and eventually finds the path to a suspect who isn't just enraged. He's desperate.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Anne Louise Bannon has made not one, but two careers out of her passion for storytelling. Both a novelist and a journalist, she has an insatiable curiosity. In addition to her mystery novels, she has written a nonfiction book about poisons, freelanced for such diverse publications as the Los Angeles Times, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Backstage West, and edits the wine blog OddBallGrape.com. On the fiction side, she writes a romantic serial, a spy series, and her Kathy and Freddy 1920s mystery series. Her most recent title is Death of the Chinese Field Hands, set in Los Angeles, 1871. She and her husband live in Southern California with an assortment of critters. Visit her website at AnneLouiseBannon.com.

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