Ralph Compton Bullet Creek

· Продавец: Penguin
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A gunslinger is forced out of retirement in this western in Ralph Compton's USA Today bestselling series.

Tom Navarro, a hostler at the Bar-V Ranch, has retired his gun-slinging boots to find peace of mind.  As much as he enjoys working for Paul Vannorsdell, owner and operator of Bar-V, Navarro has plans of moving up north with the woman he loves to open his own ranch and create a new life for himself.  Vannorsdell, too, has big dreams: he wants to buy the Rancho de Cava from an old friend, Don Francisco, so he can become one of the largest landholders in Southern Arizona. 
Everything seems to be going according to plan until Don Francisco is found dead by Bullet Creek.  His sons and the rest of the Rancho de Cava ranchers suspect Vannorsdell.  Immediately, the boys from Rancho de Cava begin a war with the Bar-V hostlers. And Navarro soon finds himself smack in the middle of a torrent of lead…

More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!

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Об авторе

Ralph Compton stood six-foot-eight without his boots. He worked as a musician, a radio announcer, a songwriter, and a newspaper columnist. His first novel, The Goodnight Trail, was a finalist for the Western Writers of America Medicine Pipe Bearer Award for best debut novel. He was also the author of the Sundown Rider series and the Border Empire series.

Peter Brandvold has penned numerous fast-action westerns under his own name and his penname, Frank Leslie. He is the author of the .45-Caliber series featuring Cuno Massey; the Rusty Spurr series featuring Deputy U.S. Marshal Spurr Morgan; the Rogue Lawman series featuring Gideon Hawk; the Lou Prophet, Bounty Hunter series; and the Yakima Henry series.

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