Ralph Compton The Omaha Trail

· Pardavėjas „Penguin“
4 apžvalgos
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A rancher must contend with a snake in the grass in this pulse-pounding Ralph Compton western.

Dane Kramer looks forward to the day when his Oklahoma cattle ranch will truly be his—no strings attached. With only one more payment to make and a buyer in Omaha ready to pay top dollar for a herd of Herefords, he should finally have the banker Earl Throckmorton off his back. But Earl has a plan to keep the sprawling ranch for himself. If he has his way, Dane’s herd will never make it across the Omaha Trail—and Dane won’t make it home alive.

Up against Earl’s hired gang of outlaws, Dane must do whatever it takes to bring in the herd—but Earl has more than one trick up his sleeve. Planting one of his own men in Dane’s newly hired team of cowhands could be just the insurance Earl needs....

More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!

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4 apžvalgos

Apie autorių

Ralph Compton stood six-foot-eight without his boots. He worked as a musician, a radio announcer, a songwriter, and a newspaper columnist. His first novel, The Goodnight Trail, was a finalist for the Western Writers of America Medicine Pipe Bearer Award for best debut novel. He was also the author of the Sundown Rider series and the Border Empire series.

Jory Sherman is the Spur Award-winning author of The Medicine Horn, Song of the Cheyenne, Home’s Law, Winter of the Wolf, and Grass Kingdom, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Letters.

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