Ranger's Apprentice 3: The Icebound Land

· Ranger's Apprentice 3. kniha · Random House Australia
38 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

The Ranger’s apprentice is about to be sold into slavery - but help can arrive from the most unexpected places . . .

Will and Evanlyn are bound for Skandia as the captives of the fearsome Skandian wolfship captain, Erak. Halt has sworn to rescue Will, and he will do anything to keep his promise - even defy his King. Expelled from the Rangers, Halt is joined by Horace as he travels through Gallica towards Skandia. On their way, they are constantly challenged by freelance knights - otherwise known as thieving thugs. Horace knows a thing or two about combat, though, and he soon begins to attract the attention of knights and warlords for miles around with his uncanny skill. But will they be in time to rescue Will from a life of slavery?

The third book in the Australian and New York Times mega-selling Ranger's Apprentice series.

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38 recenzií

O autorovi

John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice and Brotherband adventure series have sold more than fifteen million copies worldwide. His books are available in more than one hundred countries, are regularly on the New York Times bestseller list, and have had multiple award shortlistings and wins in Australia and overseas. John, a former television and advertising writer, lives with his wife in a Sydney beachside suburb.

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