Recent Advances In Nonsmooth Optimization

· · ·
· World Scientific

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

Nonsmooth optimization covers the minimization or maximization of functions which do not have the differentiability properties required by classical methods. The field of nonsmooth optimization is significant, not only because of the existence of nondifferentiable functions arising directly in applications, but also because several important methods for solving difficult smooth problems lead directly to the need to solve nonsmooth problems, which are either smaller in dimension or simpler in structure.This book contains twenty five papers written by forty six authors from twenty countries in five continents. It includes papers on theory, algorithms and applications for problems with first-order nondifferentiability (the usual sense of nonsmooth optimization) second-order nondifferentiability, nonsmooth equations, nonsmooth variational inequalities and other problems related to nonsmooth optimization.

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