Recipe for Love

· Random House
14 шүүмж
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A wonderfully romantic novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Wedding in Provence.

'The queen of uplifting, feel good romance' AJ PEARCE
'Effortlessly lovable, warm and fun' CLOSER
'Katie Fforde is on sparkling form' INDEPENDENT
'Top-drawer romantic escapism' DAILY MAIL

Take one aspiring cook.

When Zoe Harper wins a coveted place in a televised cookery competition, she can't wait to put her cooking skills to the test.

Add a very desirable judge.

But as the competition heats up, she realises she's developing an inconvenient crush on one of the judges, the truly delicious Gideon Irving.

Stir in a heaped tablespoon of romance.

All too soon there's more than canapés, cupcakes and cordon bleu at stake.

Will Zoe win the competition, or is Gideon one temptation too far?

Readers love Katie Fforde . . .

'Thoroughly enjoyable!'
'A feel-good story you can curl up with'
'Beautifully written'
'The perfect book to relax with'
'An absolutely blissful read!'

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14 шүүмж

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Katie Fforde lives in the beautiful Cotswold countryside with her family, and is a true country girl at heart. Each of her books explores a different profession or background and her research has helped her bring these to life. She’s been a porter in an auction house, tried her hand at pottery, refurbished furniture, delved behind the scenes of a dating website, and she's even been on a Ray Mears survival course. She loves being a writer; to her there isn’t a more satisfying and pleasing thing to do. She particularly enjoys writing love stories. She believes falling in love is the best thing in the world, and she wants all her characters to experience it, and her readers to share their stories. To find out more about Katie Fforde step into her world at, visit her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @KatieFforde.

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