Red Red Wine

· Days of Wine and Roses Книга 2 · Се продава од Entangled: Scorched
1 рецензија

За е-книгава

Andrew Stafford’s five relaxing days on a much-needed holiday in wine country turns even more delicious when he arrives at the hotel and meets the woman of his dreams. She’s everything he’s ever wanted, but there’s a problem. She’s carrying a wedding dress—hers—making her totally off-limits.

Tori Worthing used to feel like the luckiest woman alive. Now, jilted by her fiancé and heartbroken, she finds comfort and pleasure in the arms of a stranger, a place she never thought she’d be. It’s a rebound affair—nothing more—and it’ll end when the week is over.

But when that time comes, Andrew is reluctant to let go—which he knows is crazy. But no one ever said love was sane.

Each story in the Days of Wine and Roses Series is standalone story that can be enjoyed in any order.
Series Order:
Novella #1: Summer Wine
Book #2: Red Red Wine
Book #3: Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

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1 рецензија

За авторот

An avid romance reader since her early teens, Jess knew one day, when she grew up, she’d have to write her own love stories. And she did. Although the first one was pretty awful.

But once she discovered it was okay to leave the bedroom door open in her romance novels, she decided to leave everything open. Buttons, zips, pants, number of lovers... Which is why her books are all steamy erotic romances.
Jess’s first published story, Photo Opportunity, was originally contracted in 2005. Since then, she’s completed over 30 books, and is finally doing the work she loves most— writing romance.

While Jess lived most of her life in South Africa, the last twelve years have been spent in Australia. From the fast-paced Sydney lifestyle to the laid-back islands and beaches, there’s always another gorgeous Aussie setting for a contemporary romance.

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