Refugee Workers in the Indochina Exodus, 1975-1982

· McFarland
1 пікір
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The fall of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to communist armies in 1975 caused a massive outpouring of refugees from these nations. This work focuses on the refugee crisis and the American aid workers--a colorful crew of malcontents and mavericks drawn from the State Department, military, USAID, CIA, and the Peace Corps--who took on the task of helping those most impacted by the Vietnam War. Experts in Southeast Asia, its languages, cultures and people, they saved hundreds of thousands of lives. They were the very antithesis of the "Ugly American."

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1 пікір

Авторы туралы

Larry Clinton Thompson was a diplomat for the Department of State in Southeast Asia during the 1970s and has worked in more than thirty countries worldwide as a refugee advocate and humanitarian aid worker.

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