Restored Heart

ยท Truly Yours Digital Editions ืกืคืจ 1015 ยท Barbour Publishing
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Peter McCord canโ€™t believe his ears.

Young, handsome, and heir to one of Pittsburghโ€™s wealthiest fortunes, Peter McCord couldnโ€™t imagine a life without privilege and a long line of eligible ladies vying for his attention. Until his grandfatherโ€™s will is read and his life changes unexpectedly. Now disinherited, Peter leaves his controlling family, certain he can make something of himself, by himself. . .and hoping he can find the anonymity and fresh start he desires.

Anne Kirbyโ€™s heart is broken. . .by a terrible secret. While her job as a university librarian takes her away from her pain, sheโ€™s determined to keep the truth guarded, even if that means remaining a spinster.

When love brings Anne and Peter face-to-face, revelations regarding both their pasts emerge. But do they have faith that God will restore their hearts?

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ืœื”ืžืฉืš ืงืจื™ืื” ืฉืœ ื”ืกื“ืจื”

ืขื•ื“ ืžืืช Jennifer A. Davidsโ€

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