Rethinking Postcolonialism: Colonialist Discourse in Modern Literatures and the Legacy of Classical Writers

· Springer

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Acheraiou challenges postcolonial discourse analysis and proposes a new model of interpretation that resituates the historical, ideological and conceptual denseness of the Colonial idea. He questions key issues, including hybridity, Otherness and territoriality, and expands the postcolonial field by introducing ground-breaking theoretical concepts.


AMAR ACHERAIOU has taught in Algeria, Scotland and France. He has published numerous articles in American, British and French referred journals on modernist literatures, postmodernist thought and postcolonial theories. He is a regular reader and book reviewer for Conradiana and is Canadian Comparative Literature Association's Regional Representative for Quebec. He is currently editing Conrad and the Orient (forthcoming) and working on a book project entitled Post-Imperial Europe: Culture, Race, Identity.

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