Return of the Ancients: The Valkeryn Chronicles 1

· The Valkeryn Chronicles Sách 1 · Momentum
21 bài đánh giá
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Arnold Singer is just like any other fifteen-year-old boy growing up in the suburbs – average height, average looks. The love of his life thinks he's a geek ... that is if she notices him at all. Pretty normal, and pretty boring, really.

But this normal life is about to change forever. On a school science trip to watch the test firing of a new particle accelerator, Arn is caught up in an accident that propels him into an extraordinary new world.

In this new land, Arn is the last human alive. It is populated with mysterious and bloodthirsty creatures, some of whom want him dead, while others see him as their only hope for survival.

Can Arn survive in a hostile world and save his new friends? Or has he arrived in time to witness the fall of a mighty empire?

An epic tale of love, betrayal and war in a world both familiar and terrifying.

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21 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Greig Beck grew up across the road from Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. His early days were spent surfing, sunbaking and reading science fiction on the sand. He then went on to study computer science, immerse himself in the financial software industry and later received an MBA. Today, Greig spends his days writing, but still finds time to surf at his beloved Bondi Beach. He lives in Sydney, with his wife, son and an enormous black German shepherd.

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