Revenge of the Vinyl Cafe

· Penguin Canada
4 arvostelua

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The world can be a perilous place. And the seemingly friendly world of Canada's favourite fictional family is no different. Everyone is afraid of something: Dave, for example, is afraid of dolls, germs, and Mary Turlington. Sam, on the other hand, is afraid of bees, UFOs, and "mewpilated" cows. Morley's fears—public nudity and drop-in visits—are slightly more pragmatic. It's hard to find courage in the face of sewer monsters, deformed fish heads, abandoned car wrecks, and stalled elevators in empty mansions, but in this brand new collection of Vinyl Cafe stories, Dave and the gang pluck up the courage to deal with all kinds of danger, both real and imagined. In Stuart McLean's hilarious new book of cautionary tales, rediscover the deep, delicious thrill of fear that looms so large in childhood and spills over into adult life with startling, often delightful, effect.

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4 arvostelua

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Stuart McLean writes and hosts the popular CBC Radio show The Vinyl Cafe, which has over one million weekly listeners. He is the author of many bestselling and award-winning books, including seven collections of Vinyl Cafe stories.

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