Riding With the Queen

· Prodajalec: Penguin
1 mnenje

O tej e-knjigi

Take the long way home...

Full of big dreams of the fast life, Tallie Beck hit the road at the age of seventeen to become a rock ’n roll star—and vowed never to look back. Now, at thirty-four, she’s little more than a down-and-out singer who smokes and drinks too much and knows better than to make promises she can’t keep. Dumped by her latest band and low on cash, Tallie has no choice but to go back to Denver. Back to her crazy mother, and her resentful younger sister, Jane, who’s never forgiven her for leaving.

But seeing her family again after all these years stirs something unexpected in Tallie. And after so many miles on that long, exhilarating, scary—and often lonely—road, she’s looking back to trace some wrong turns, and figure out the way to where she really wants to go...

Ocene in mnenja

1 mnenje

O avtorju

Jennie Shortridge lives in Seattle, WA with her husband, and juggles her time between writing novels and working in the community to foster literacy.

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