Rights of Man

· Broadview Press
كتاب إلكتروني

معلومات عن هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

Advocating equality, meritocracy, and social responsibility in plain language, Thomas Paine galvanized tens of thousands of readers and changed the framework of political discourse with this text. He was tried and convicted for sedition by the British government for publishing Rights of Man, Part Two but his direct style and provocative ideas were hugely influential.

This edition situates Rights of Man within the discussion of the French Revolution in Britain and enables readers to understand the broader political debates of the 1790s. Appendices include responses to the French Revolution, Paine’s response to the Proclamation that declared his writing seditious, contemporary political philosophy by Richard Price and Edmund Burke, and cartoons satirizing Paine and his views.

نبذة عن المؤلف

Claire Grogan is Professor of English at Bishop’s University. She is the editor of the Broadview Editions of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey and Elizabeth Hamilton’s Memoirs of Modern Philosophers.

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