Rogue: A Novel

· Robin Monarch Thrillers Кніга 1 · Прадавец: Minotaur Books
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From the best selling author of Beneath a Scarlet Sky comes "A true juggernaut of a thriller, pure adrenaline in print." —James Rollins

Mark Sullivan's propulsive, compelling thriller. Rogue, is one part Bourne Identity and one part Mission: Impossible.

Robin Monarch was a top level CIA operative—perhaps the best they had. Then one day, in the middle of an operation, with his team around him in the field, Monarch walked away, leaving his old life and friends behind without a word of explanation.

Now this ex-soldier, ex-operative, and orphan with a murky past is a thief, stealing from the super-rich. But when a complicated, high profile jewel heist goes wrong, Monarch is led into a carefully woven trap designed to force him to complete the very same mission he walked away from years ago.

It will take all of his skills (as well as those of the team he burned) and all of his cunning, if Monarch is to thwart the violent and deadly goals of the very powerful cabal who will do whatever it takes to bring the very dangerous "Green Fields" technology under their control.

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11 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

Author of the bestselling novel Beneath a Scarlet Sky, MARK SULLIVAN is also the author of the Robin Monarch thrillers (Rogue, Outlaw, and Thief) as well as the coauthor with James Patterson of the several bestsellers in the "Private" series. He lives in Bozeman, Montanta.

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