Romance on the Ranch Collection (Dream Kisses, Honey Kisses, Baby Kisses)

· Verna Clay
130 recenzií
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Romance on the Ranch Series (Books 1 - 3): Dream Kisses; Honey Kisses; Baby Kisses

Dream Kisses
Dream Kisses kicks off the series when Sarah Carter, pen name, Mims Murphy, meets Sage Tanner at Imaginings Publishing while he's posing for the cover of her soon-to-be-released romance novel. After being bulldozed into a coffee break with him by her publisher, an embarrassing incident upsets Sarah and she walks out. Of course, fate has a wonderful way of intervening in matters of the heart. After deciding her book needs realism, she signs up for "dude" lessons at Lazy M Dude Ranch. Imagine her chagrin when she discovers the owner of the ranch is none other than Mr. Tanner himself! Yup.

Honey Kisses
Ann Hackstetter first met Jackson Martinez while vacationing at Lazy M Dude Ranch with her husband and teenage son. Part of the "dude" package included a night of fun at Boot Bustin' Barn. Ann suspects that Sage Tanner, owner of Lazy M, bribed Jackson to dance with her as a way of making her inattentive husband jealous. Little did she realize the dance would awaken emotions long suppressed. Of course, she has no outlet for those emotions. Now, five years later, she's a widow--a destitute widow. Over the years her son's friendship with Sage's daughter has blossomed and now they're getting married. Wedding responsibilities have temporarily taken Ann's mind off her desperate situation. At the reception, Jackson asks her to dance and reawakens those emotions. He makes her feel twenty-one, instead of forty-one.

Baby Kisses
Tooty Townsend bore a child at the age of sixteen. Now, four years later, she has her hands full raising Harris and trying to make a living. Reclusive author, Maxwell Henry, is looking to hire a personal assistant while he's in Colorado finishing up his latest suspense thriller. Sarah Tanner, stepmother to Tooty's best friend, Julie, and a friend of Miles, recommended her to the author. Unfortunately, Harris climbed onto the guy's lap at Julie and Jacob's wedding reception and asked for a ride in his wheelchair. Then he asked him to marry his mommy and become his daddy! Tooty needs a job and she's swallowing her pride to apply for this one.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

130 recenzií

O autorovi

My perfect day: laptop; WiFi availability; java mocha; characters demanding their stories be told; a plot that comes together; and hours to live in an alternate reality. Afterward, I return home to wash dishes and vacuum.

Seriously, I have always loved reading, and now I love writing. As a preteen, I devoured Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Mysteries. When I reached my teen years, the romance genre became my favorite and that has never changed. After years of procrastinating, I tried my hand at writing and I've been doing so with a passion ever since. I have written over twenty-five romance novels and novellas in the genres of contemporary, contemporary western, historical western, general, fantasy, and paranormal. Because I hate saying goodbye to characters who have lived with me for months, I usually create a series so they can be revisited from book to book. I have also written a Young Adult novella titled "Fragile Hearts" using the pen name of Colleen Clay. 

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