Romancing the Runway

· გამყიდველი: Kimani Press
3 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Supermodels Kennedy and Xavier work and party among the beautiful people in the world's most exotic cities. They're glam, gorgeous and the target of every tabloid and talk show around. By day, they're used to being in front of a camera. But by night, neither's used to paparazzi clamoring to capture every intimate moment of their fragile, new relationship.

With crazed schedules, constant media attention and surprise attempts to deflate Kennedy's career and steal her man, the pressures are mounting. Can their searing physical attraction and soul-deep connection be enough to guarantee Kennedy and Xavier a picture-perfect ending?

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3 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Linda Hudson-Smith has won several awards, including a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews. She is also a recipient of the Gold Pen award and has won two awards from The African American Literary Awards Show. The mother of two sons, Linda lives with her husband, Rudy, in League City, Texas. To find out more go to her Web site: You can also e-mail her at

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