Roommate Duet Series: Six Book Complete Set

· Kennedy Fox
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A slow burn duet series involving three sisters who find their true selves and love in the process.


Baby Mine & Baby Yours

Hunter and Lennon fight over everything, but he canÕt seem to get her off his mind, which is especially difficult since theyÕre roommates. When tragedy strikes, theyÕre left to deal with it together. Instead of being at war, they slowly become friends and lean on one another. Just as they come to terms with their new reality, a life-changing event affects them both. When LennonÕs finally ready to admit her feelings, it all comes crashing down when she learns HunterÕs been keeping secrets.Ê



Truly Mine & Truly Yours

After Mason and SophieÕs random hookup, she becomes off-limits and friends are all they can ever be. Though MasonÕs always had feelings for her and just wants to protect her, she pushes him away. He wants to prove heÕs the good guy but when one night turns tragic, heÕs arrested for murder. As their world spirals out of control, he continues to take care of her. When their relationship finally blossoms into something more, someone threatens to pull them apart. Only this time, SophieÕs ready to fight for what sheÕs always wantedÑhim



Always Mine & Always Yours

Liam and Maddie are friends but their flirting says otherwise. MaddieÕs determined to break down LiamÕs walls and eventually succeedsÑneither of them able to deny their chemistry. When theyÕre close to finding their happily ever after, secrets and betrayal tear them apart. Although their situation grows more dangerous, LiamÕs still determined to save their relationship. Playing with corruption and power will not end well, but Maddie refuses to let him fight alone. She wonÕt give up on the love of her life, even if she might not be able to save him.Ê

Roommate Duet Series is recommended for mature audiences only due to sensitive subject matter. Duet 1 contains the death of a loved one and grief. Duet 2 contains unintentional homicide, trauma, and emotional and domestic abuse. Duet 3 contains violent acts, gambling addiction, blackmail, and mafia-related activities.

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