Rough Love: The Complete Series

· Leighton Greene
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Benjamin Ballard never thought he'd be anything but vanilla, much less bi-curious. But when he can't get wannabe-actor Xander Romano out of his head, he begs for a chance to experiment.

Xander has strict rules against fooling around with straight guys, after getting hurt before. But eventually he agrees to give Ben a taste of what he has to offer…

And Ben is hooked.

Will Xander be able to bend his own rules enough to take a chance on love?

Join Ben and Xander on their journey of self-discovery, experimentation, and red-hot scenes. The Rough Love series will take you on a scorching, sometimes dark, but always thrilling ride as Ben and Xander explore their deepest desires together - and test each other to the limits.

Get ready for a wild ride with the sizzling and steamy complete series of Rough Love.

Note: Rough Love can be rough. Please proceed with caution if you have any triggers.


Rough Love: The Complete Series contains all four full-length novels about Ben and Xander:

1. Learn the Rules

2. Obey the Rules

3. Break the Rules

4. Flying Free

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Leighton Greene hails from Australia, where she lives with her partner, an academic, and her trusty cockatiel. She's been sharing her stories with the world since 2019, but she's been writing for much longer.

When she's not busy crafting her next novel, Leighton can be found devouring tacos, scaring herself silly with horror movies, and exploring ancient worlds in the Assassin's Creed franchise. She's also known for having more book ideas than she knows what to do with.

From steamy, passionate and dangerous, to funny and heartwarming, Leighton's books offer unique, immersive storylines that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Get ready for complex characters, intense emotions, and plenty of heat!

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