Rudolph W. Giuliani: America's Mayor

· Продавець: Simon and Schuster
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On September 11, 2001, our nation watched in horror as the United States came under siege. In the aftermath, New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani rose to the forefront as a strong and compassionate leader -- offering candid information, comforting those in pain, and proving himself a man of tremendous dedication to those in his charge.

This revealing biography illustrates how his life's work prepared him for this incredible challenge. From his childhood in Brooklyn to his controversial work with the Department of Justice to his eight years as the mayor of one of the most complex cities in the world, Rudolph W. Giuliani -- Time magazine's Person of the Year -- has become one of the most fascinating and exceptional leaders of our time.

Про автора

Eleanor Fremont is the author of Rudolph W. Giuliani, a Simon & Schuster book.

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