Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection: A Dark Mafia Captive Enemies to Lovers Arraigned Marriage Romance

· Crashing Waves Press
7 ta sharh
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His rules are simple.

You will bow.

You will break.

You will obey. 

Follow them, and you'll survive. 

And if you don't?

He'll break you in ways that'll make you wish you were dead.

Do you think you can follow the rules and survive the devil known as Bennett Moreno?

The Rules of Bennett collection features books You Will Bow, You Will Break, You Will Obey, and Moreno Forever, a full-length novel that leads into the World of Bennett spin off series.


Keywords: dark romance, dark mafia romance, dark captive romance, captive romance, dark antihero, alpha antihero, cora kenborn, enemies to lovers, kidnapping, alpha male, full length, mafia boss, surprise baby, action packed, thriller, suspense, strong female lead, gothic romance, serial killer, arraigned marriage, contract marriage, contemporary mafia romance, complete series, complete mafia series, dark romance with triggers, sam mariano, over the top hero

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7 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

His rules are simple.

You will bow.

You will break.

You will obey. 

Follow them, and you'll survive. 

And if you don't?

He'll break you in ways that'll make you wish you were dead.

Do you think you can follow the rules and survive the devil known as Bennett Moreno?

The Rules of Bennett collection features books You Will Bow, You Will Break, and You Will Obey. It also includes Moreno Forever, an exclusive, full novel that leads into the World of Bennett spin off series and only available in this collection.

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