Run Before the Wind

· Will Lee Novel Kirja 2 · W. W. Norton & Company
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A breathtaking novel of suspense and high-adventure by New York Times bestselling author Stuart Woods. Will Lee ran from a life of Southern wealth and privilege to spend a peaceful summer on the coast of Ireland. But there is no peace in this beautiful, troubled land. Restless and dissatisfied, Will dreams of shipbuilding and sailing on crystal-blue waters. But an explosion of senseless violence is dragging the young American drifter into a lethal game of terror and revenge. For the fires of hatred rage unchecked in this place of lush, rolling hills and deadly secrets. Now Will Lee must run for his life from a bloody past that is not his own-and he will find no sanctuary on the rolling waves of the Irish sea.

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Stuart Woods (1938—2022) was the author of more than ninety novels. A native of Georgia, he began his writing career in the advertising industry. Chiefs, his debut in 1981, won the Edgar Award.

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