Russian: МАКАСИД АШ-ШАРИА КАК ФИЛОСОФИЯ ИСЛАМСКОГО ПРАВА СИСТЕМНЫЙ ПОДХОД (Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law: A Systems Approach )

· International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
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О овој е-књизи

In this path breaking study, Jasser Auda presents a systems approach to the philosophy and juridical theory of Islamic law based on its purposes, intents, and higher objectives (maqasid). For Islamic rulings to fulfill their original purposes of justice, freedom, rights, common good, and tolerance in today’s context, Auda presents maqasid as the heart and the very philosophy of Islamic law. He also introduces a novel method for analysis and critique, one that utilizes relevant features from systems theory, such as, wholeness, multidimensionality, openness, and especially, purposefulness of systems.

This book will benefit all those interested in the relationship between Islam and a wide variety of subjects, such as philosophy of law, morality, human rights, interfaith commonality, civil society, integration, development, feminism, modernism, postmodernism, systems theory, and culture.

О аутору

Jasser Auda is the Founding Director of Al-Maqasid Research Centre in the Philosophy of Islamic Law, a project of Al-Furqan Foundation, London, U.K. He has a multi-disciplinary academic background and has written two Ph.D. theses on Islamic Philosophy of Law and Systems Analysis and Design, in the University of Wales, UK, and the University of Waterloo, Canada, respectively. Dr. Auda is a Visiting Lecturer to a number of academic institutes in Canada, UK, Egypt, and India. (2008).

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