Saddle Club 55: Gold Medal Horse

· The Saddle Club 55. kniha · Random House
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Southwood is the most glorious horse The Saddle Club girls have ever seen. He has more than athletic talent – he has the heart and soul of a champion. What he doesn’t have is experience, or a rider. Stevie, Carole and Lisa think this horse needs just a chance. If he gets one, Southwood could jump for gold at the world’s most exciting competition.

O autorovi

Bonnie Bryant is the author of over a hundred books about horses, including The Saddle Club series, Saddle Club Super Editions, and the Pony Tails series. She has also written novels and movie novelizations under her married name, B. B. Hiller.

Bonnie began writing The Saddle Club in 1986. Although she had done some riding before that, she intensified her studies then and found herself learning right along with her characters Stevie, Carole and Lisa. She claims that they are all much better riders than she is. Bonnie was born and raised in New York City, where she continues to live today.

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