Sassy Christmas: A motorcycle club holiday romance

· Storm MC 6-р ном · Nina Levine
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Celebrate Christmas Storm Girl Style

Join the Storm MC girls for Christmas. Catch up with all your favourite Storm MC couples - it's like coming home for Christmas where you find out what everyone has been up to. 

Sassy Christmas takes place after the events of Slay, right before the events of Illusive. 

It's recommended that you read this series in order. 

The Storm MC world from USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Nina Levine, currently has three completed motorcycle club romance series, with more to come. Nina's alphas are always protective and possessive, and usually bossy. Her heroines all have inner strength and always give as good as they get. The Storm MC books are spicy romances and feature heroes who will scorch the earth for the woman they love. 

If you enjoyed Sons of Anarchy, you will love the Storm MC series!

Binge read the COMPLETE series!

Books in the Storm MC Series:

Book 1: Storm

Book 2: Fierce

Book 3: Blaze

Book 4: Revive

Book 5: Slay

Book 6: Sassy Christmas

Book 7: Illusive

Book 8: Command

Book 9: Havoc

Book 10: Gunnar

Book 11: Wilder

Book 12: Colt

For fans of: Kristen Ashley, Madeline Sheehan, Autumn Jones Lake, Ryan Michele, Chelle Bliss, Laramie Briscoe.

Keywords: Motorcycle Club Romance, biker romance, alpha hero, bad boy romance, romantic suspense, mc romance, protector romance, found family, second chance romance, angst, contemporary romance, new adult romance, hot romance, steamy romance, spicy romance, women's romance, Australian romance holiday romance.

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Nina Levine is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over twenty books, including the Escape With A Billionaire series and the bestselling Storm MC series. She’s known for protective alphas who will scorch the earth for the woman they love and women who don’t hand their hearts over easily.

She lives in Australia and when she isn’t creating with words, she’s busy trying to be a Pilates goddess, a Peloton Queen, or drinking one too many cocktails with friends. Often though, she can be found curled up in the sun with a good book and some chocolate.

You can find Nina here:

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