Scarlet Butterfly: A Loveswept Classic Romance

· Saltzailea: Loveswept
1 iritzi
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Sandra Chastain’s vividly realized characters transcend time, in a scorching story of romance, destiny, and transporting pleasure.
In the library of her overprotective father, Carolina Evans is enchanted by an antique journal—written by another Carolina who disappeared at sea long ago—about a magnificent galleon christened The Scarlet Butterfly. When she reads in the newspaper that a reclusive millionaire has resurrected the nineteenth-century ship from the bottom of St. Mary’s River, the sheltered blonde leaves her troubles behind in Texas and heads for the Georgia coast. But has Carolina been drawn to the water’s edge by the spirit of adventure . . . or by a supernatural passion calling out from another age?
After the tragic death of his sister, Sean Rogan dissolved his family’s corporation, turned his back on the world, and closed his heart. He never expected to fall for a woman like Carolina, who inexplicably wakes up in his bed. How has she managed to stow away on his ship? Her explanation—that a pirate’s ghost carried her aboard—makes no sense. As they dive for answers in The Scarlet Butterfly’s haunted past, what they find is a timeless love as powerful as the tides.
Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Taking Shots, Along Came Trouble, and Hell on Wheels.

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1 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Sandra Chastain has published twenty-five novels under the Loveswept imprint. Not only is she the author of more than forty books, she is also one of the co-founders of BelleBooks, along with many other well-known authors. Over the years her work has received many accolades, including the Maggie Award for writing excellence.

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