Scarred: A Deal with the Devil in the Name of Revenge.

· Branded 2. књига · Moriona Press
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О овој е-књизи

How do you make evil men suffer for their disgusting acts when you have no experience in the art of torture?

Trouble is, life gets in the way of Nya's big plans. Archer's dragging his feet. Tag's crossed a line. And Nya Yorke is spending too much time playing referee between the men in her life.

Help comes to her in the most unlikely form… Hexam. Making an alliance with the man who once wanted to murder her best friend, could give her what she needs, but selling her soul to the devil comes with a price, and the deal is done before she realizes that price is too high.

KEYWORDS: Dark romance, established couple, angst, bad boy romantic books, crime novels, steamy romance, raunchy, hot, explicit, urban romance, city romance, drama, action and adventure, family, love, sparks, loyalty, swoon, protective, alpha male, love books, kissing books, sassy, strong heroine, neighbors, five flames.

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