Searching for Self – in Pursuit of Inner Peace

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About the Book: This book explores our ideas of self, repeatedly revealing "who we are not" to gently bring us into peace without attempting to alter our external conditions. It is well known that when we dissociate ourselves from all our worldly identities, we will naturally come to peace. This book lays out a clear roadmap to achieve enduring peace through detachment.
But detachment does not mean renouncement of all types of pleasures and living a life of inactivity and boredom. In truth, detachment can relieve us of all the burdens and baggage we carry, leaving us free to enjoy all the genuine pleasures available on earth to the fullest. The only condition is that we must not cling to the pleasures but be ready to let them go freely. Hence our life here can be one of unending joy and achievement.

About the Author:
Born in 1960 in the rich culture of South India and educated in English, he was exposed to two opposing world views enabling him to achieve synergy and realize true harmony. He belongs to the linguistic community "Saurashtra" who were silk weavers patronised by kings of yore. His ancestors are said to have migrated from the western part of India to Tamil Nadu in the south several centuries ago.
Born to a father who served in the lower ranks of the Indian Central Government and a mother who was less educated, he was brought up by his grandmother, a very traditional woman, in the extended family. With his two younger brothers he was afforded English education from the beginning that enabled him to become fluent in the language right from his childhood. Graduating in Agriculture from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore in 1982, he secured the prestigious position of Probationary Officer in State Bank of India, the premier bank in India. After a dedicated service of over two decades, he ventured out on his own to learn about real life outside the cocoon of privileged living that his parents and his job had offered him till then.
Growing up in the country as India underwent its pangs of Westernisation, he was able to synthesise the self-oriented Western perspective with the community oriented native one to arrive at a wholesome concept of self after considerable efforts and experimentation. This book is the culmination of decades of efforts in discovering his real place in the world.
Married to Vijayashree with a daughter Meenalochani, who has gifted him with a lovely granddaughter, he lives in the Southern Indian cities of Bangalore and Coimbatore with his family and his aged aunt.


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