Second Thoughts (Mills & Boon Medical) (The Audley, Book 7)

· The Audley Кніга 7 · HarperCollins UK
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Late on a hectic Friday afternoon in Audley Memorial Hospital’s paediatric outpatients’ department, Sister Jennifer Davidson mentions that she could use some pampering! Lo and behold consultant Andrew Barrett promptly offers to make her wish come true by inviting her and her seven-year-old son to spend the weekend at his country cottage! It becomes a beautiful friendship that promises to be so much more—until Jennifer’s ex-husband, her son’s father, takes a job at the Audley! But Andrew is convinced he’s the right man for Jennifer and her son—he just needs to convince her...

THE AUDLEY—where love is the best medicine of all...

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2 водгукі

Звесткі пра аўтара

Caroline Anderson's been a nurse, a secretary, a teacher, and has run her own business. Now she’s settled on writing. ‘I was looking for that elusive something and finally realised it was variety - now I have it in abundance. Every book brings new horizons, new friends, and in between books I juggle! My husband John and I have two beautiful daughters, Sarah and Hannah, umpteen pets, and several acres of Suffolk that nature tries to reclaim every time we turn our backs!’

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