Seeds of Time

· Dundurn
1 arvustus

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

Thirteen-year-old Darrell Connor is a troubled girl, still haunted by the motorcycle accident that took her father's life and part of her leg three years ago. She is not pleased when her worried mother sends her to board at Eagle Glen School for the summer.

But there is a sense of mystery at the school that appeals to Darrell, and as she investigates, she finds adventure and begins to form a few tentative friendships. When she stumbles upon a passage through time, she begins to wonder - is it possible to change her own past?

Hinnangud ja arvustused

1 arvustus

Teave autori kohta

kc dyer is a freelance writer. She lives with her menagerie of children and animals in Lions Bay, British Columbia, where she produces the local newspaper. She is the author of "The Swim," a short story selected for publication in Shorelines: A Millennium Anthology, published by the North Shore Writers' Association in British Columbia. Seeds of Time is her first young adult novel.

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