Selected Poems

· విక్రయించినది HarperCollins
అర్హత ఉంది

ఈ ఇ-పుస్తకం గురించి

Superb collection of poems by the Pulitzer Prize–winning poet.

This collection of Sandburg’s finest and most representative poetry draws on all of his previous volumes and includes four unpublished poems about Lincoln. The Hendricks’s comprehensive introduction discusses how Sandburg’s life and beliefs colored his work and why it continues to resonate so deeply with americans today.

Edited and with an Introduction by George and Willene Hendrick.

రచయిత పరిచయం

CARL SANDBURG (1878–1967) was twice awarded the Pulitzer Prize, first in 1940 for his biography of Abraham Lincoln and again in 1951 for Complete Poems. Before becoming known as a poet, he worked as a milkman, an ice harvester, a dishwasher, a salesman, a fireman, and a journalist. Among his classics are the Rootabaga Stories, which he wrote for his young daughters at the beginning of his long and distinguished literary career.

ఈ ఈ-బుక్‌కు రేటింగ్ ఇవ్వండి

మీ అభిప్రాయం మాకు తెలియజేయండి.

పఠన సమాచారం

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