Serbia's Great War, 1914-1918

· Purdue University Press
2 ta sharh
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Mitrovic's volume fills the gap in Balkan history by presenting an in-depth look at Serbia and its role in WWI. The Serbian experience was in fact of major significance in this war. In the interlocking development of the wartime continent, Serbia's plight is part of a European jigsaw. Also, the First World War was crucial as a stage in the construction of Serbian national mythology in the twentieth century.

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2 ta sharh

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Andrej Mitrovic is Chair and Professor of Modern History at the University of Belgrade. He has written widely on the First World War and the Paris Peace Conference, on interwar Europe, and is the author of books and articles on economic, social, and cultural history and on historiography. He received the prestigious Herder Prize from the University of Vienna and the Alfred Toepfer Foundation of Hamburg, Germany in 2001. In 2004 Germany's Southeast Europe Association awarded him the Konstantin Jiricek Medal.

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