Serving the Master

· Giselle Renarde
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Carlisle Islington III is Lord of the Manor, master of all he surveys. But there's one thing he can't control, and all the wealth and influence in the world can't give him power over it. Enter the maid, Matilda. Could such a young woman possibly lust after a man Carlisle's age? The idea seems improbable, and yet this girl's eyes tell no lies. Matilda has come to stoke his fire...

O autorovi

Giselle Renarde is an award-winning queer Canadian writer. Nominated Toronto’s Best Author in NOW Magazine’s 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards, her fiction has appeared in well over 100 short story anthologies, including prestigious collections like Best Lesbian Romance, Best Women’s Erotica, and the Lambda Award-winning collection Take Me There, edited by Tristan Taormino. Giselle's juicy novels include Anonymous, Cherry, Seven Kisses, and The Other Side of Ruth.

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