We are all looking for significance and meaning in our lives. The world tells us that this comes from dreaming big, achieving personal success, and making a big impact. But the Bible says that self-worth is found in knowing our Creator, and contentment is found in discovering his purpose for our lives.
This book reminds us that when we know Jesus, we are free from the world’s definition of success. We can listen to God’s word and direct our dreams towards the things that he says matter most, even if they are small and unimpressive in the world’s eyes.
Celebrate the dreams God has for us: serving others, investing in individuals, and living faithfully. Although these things seem small, their impact will be bigger, and their rewards will be better, than anything we could dream for ourselves.
Seth Lewis is an elder at Midleton Baptist Church on the south coast of Ireland and is involved in a variety of ways in a partnership of local Irish churches who are working together to plant new churches, provide Bible training through Munster Bible College, and run youth camps through Munster Christian Camps. Seth and his wife Jessica have three children, a turtle, and a small garden. Seth writes weekly at sethlewis.ie.