Seven Lies: Discover the addictive, sensational thriller

· Hachette UK
2 recenzie
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'A hugely exciting new voice in crime fiction' LUCY FOLEY
'The new face of domestic noir' EVENING STANDARD
'One of the most compelling narrators I've ever encountered' SHARI LAPENA
'A protagonist to rival Villanelle' COSMOPOLITAN

It all started with one little lie . . .

Jane and Marnie have been inseparable since they were eleven years old. They have a lot in common. In their early twenties they both fell in love and married handsome young men.

But Jane never liked Marnie's husband. He was always so loud and obnoxious, so much larger than life. Which is rather ironic now, of course.

Because if Jane had been honest - if she hadn't lied - then perhaps her best friend's husband might still be alive . . .

This is Jane's opportunity to tell the truth. The question is:
Do you believe her?

'Chilling and original' CLARE MACKINTOSH
'A tense nerve-shredder' VAL McDERMID
'You NEED to read this one' LESLEY KARA
'Toxic friendships don't get more toxic than this' PRIMA
'Breathtakingly good' T.M. LOGAN
'You won't want to put this one down' CARA HUNTER
'This is going to be the next massive thriller' PANDORA SYKES
'You'll be turning the pages deep into the night' HARLAN COBEN
'Shockingly intimate and scarily insidious' LISA GARDNER
'I read this book with obsession - I loved everything about it' ASHLEY AUDRAIN
'A clever, deliciously dark pageturner' ALICE FEENEY
'Brilliantly plotted' ALI LAND
'Brilliantly twisty' MICHELLE FRANCES
'Takes the idea of the unreliable narrator and spins it on its head' ARAMINTA HALL
'The perfect pscyh thriller - smart, dark and morally ambiguous' TAMMY COHEN
'You won't be able to put it down' CHRISTINA DALCHER

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2 recenzie

O autorovi

Elizabeth Kay started her career as an assistant at Penguin Random House. She is now an editor and is simultaneously pursuing her passion for writing. Seven Lies was her debut novel. She lives in London with her husband and two children.

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