She's Still There: Rescuing the Girl in You

· Được bán bởi Zondervan
12 bài đánh giá
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Have you wandered from the life you want to live? Chrystal Evans Hurst shares raw and vulnerable stories from her own life to let you know how you too can find your way back after a few missteps. Over 100,000 copies sold!

What happens when a woman looks at herself in the mirror, lingering just a little longer than usual and realizes that she no longer recognizes the person staring back at her? What does she do when she sees that, somehow, her life has drifted away from all her original hopes, dreams, or plans?

Speaker, blogger, and writer Chrystal Evans Hurst wrote this book because she was that woman. One day she realized that she had somehow wandered from the life she was meant to live.

Chrystal since discovered that this moment of awareness happens to lots of women at different seasons of their lives. Poor decisions, a lack of intentionality or planning, or a long-term denial of deep hopes and dreams can leave a woman, old or young, reeling from the realization that she is lost, disappointed, or simply numb.

And she just needs encouragement.

This woman simply needs someone to hold her hand, cheer her on, and believe with her that she is still capable of being the person she intended to be.

Chrystal uses her poignant story of an early and unexpected pregnancy, as well as other raw and vulnerable moments in her life, to let readers know she understands what it's like to try and find your way after some missteps or decisions you didn't plan on. In She's Still There Chrystal emphasizes the importance of the personal process and the beauty of authentically sharing your journey one girlfriend to another. It’s a book of "me toos," reminders of the hoped for, and challenges for the path ahead--to find direction, purpose, and true satisfaction.

Also available: She's Still There DVD series and study guide.

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12 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Chrystal Evans Hurst is the bestselling author of She's Still There and co-author of Kingdom Woman, with her father Dr. Tony Evans. She reaches a wide audience speaking at conferences, sharing on her blog and podcast, and teaching and leading women in her home church and around the world. In addition to her work and ministry, Chrystal is a COO (Chief Operating Officer), cultivating hearts and commanding chaos at home. She is a mother of five and homeschools three boys around the kitchen table while hugging two adult girls, a son-in-love, and three grandchildren every chance she gets. Chrystal is grateful to share her life with her husband, Jessie, in their home just outside of Dallas, Texas. You can find Chrystal and the chronicles of her life at

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