Siblings and Autism: Stories Spanning Generations and Cultures

· Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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What is it like to grow up with a sibling on the autism spectrum? What kind of relationship do such siblings have? How does that relationship change as the siblings get older?

In this moving collection of beautifully-written personal accounts, siblings from a variety of backgrounds, and in different circumstances, share their experiences of growing up with a brother or sister with autism. Despite their many differences, their stories show that certain things are common to the "sibling experience": the emotional terrain of looking on or being overlooked; the confusion of accommodating resentment, love, and helplessness; and above all the yearning to connect across neurological difference.

Siblings and Autism is a thought-provoking book that will appeal to anyone with a personal or professional interest in autism, including parents of siblings of children on the spectrum, teachers, counsellors, and psychologists.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Anne Clinard Barnhill lives in North Carolina. She has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has published hundreds of features and reviews, and several short stories in a variety of newspapers and magazines.

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