Silver Bracelets: A Loveswept Classic Romance

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In Sandra Chastain’s funny and sensual story of unfettered love, a pretty locksmith discovers that she holds the key to one man’s guarded heart.
Always ready to look on the bright side, professional locksmith Sarah Wilson expects the late-night call to be some sort of practical joke. But no. Big, buff, and handcuffed to a bed, Sheriff Asa Canyon is as red-hot angry as he is just plain hot. The thrill of setting him free makes this one night that Sarah will never forget . . . because it’s the night she unlocks the secret to her own happiness.
Torn between wringing his best buddy’s neck for pulling this little stunt or kissing the sweet and sexy locksmith who comes to his rescue, Asa chooses the latter. But the longing their encounter ignites is wreaking havoc with his life. A committed loner, Asa doesn’t have plans to look for love, or even really believe it exists—at least not for him. Until Sarah sets out to break open his heart and show him what joy lies inside.
Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Trying to Score, Flirting with Disaster, and Long Simmering Spring.

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Sandra Chastain has published twenty-five novels under the Loveswept imprint. Not only is she the author of more than forty books, she is also one of the co-founders of BelleBooks, along with many other well-known authors. Over the years her work has received many accolades, including the Maggie Award for writing excellence.

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