Sinful Truth

Sinful Truths መጽሐፍ 1 · Ella Miles
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

She saved me.

Pulled me from the depths of the ocean.

Siren—her name fits. Her beauty striking; her voice heavenly.

But unlike the mythical version, Siren didn’t lure me to my death.

She saved me.

And now, seeing her about to be sold to the highest bidder, it’s my turn to save her.


I was raised to always tell the truth, no matter what.

And it’s served me well.

Until today.

Today, I wish I could lie.

Because my truth put me here—about to be sold.

A lie could set me free.

But I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

This is book 1 in the Sinful Truths series.

Serier Order:

Sinful Truth

Twisted Vow

Reckless Fall

Tangled Promise

Fallen Love

Broken Anchor

What readers are saying about USA Today Bestselling Author, Ella Miles

"Heartbreaking, gut wrenching, soul shattering!"

"Gripping and Full of Painful Emotions!"

"I absolutely love a book I dread to put down and Sinful Truth was absolutely addicting. If I could have read this book in just one day, I certainly would have. It was that compelling to read."

"If you enjoy an excellent, dark, dangerous story, maybe a few smiles added in (somehow these characters of Ella's always crack me up with their witty inner dialogues!!) step right up and click this one."

"Ella Miles is one of those authors who can literally write anything and i will be more than thrilled to read it. This story was no different. She is a master at creating amazing scenarios for her characters and making those characters so much more than just that. They were people who you could see as friends, and more than real."

Topics: dark romance, romantic suspense, romantic suspense series, dark romance series, romance, romance series, contemporary, contemporary romance, hot romance, steamy romance, free book, free, second chance, new adult, mafia romance, billionaire romance, bestselling series, romance novel, Ella Miles book, survival romance, alpha, series starter, free series starter, strong heroine, first in series, USA Today Bestselling Author, action romance, action and adventure, suspense, mystery, hot new romance, seduction, seduction romance, sexy.

Similar Authors: Charlotte Byrd, Penelope Sky, Victoria Quinn, Roxy Sloane, Meghan March, Helen Hardt, Skye Warren, Lexy Timms

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Ella Miles writes steamy romance, dark romance, romantic suspense, and contemporary romance novels. She's a USA Today Bestselling Author. She's currently living her own happily ever after near the Rocky Mountains with her high school sweetheart hubby. Her heart is also taken by her goofy five year old black lab that is scared of everything, including her own shadow.

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