Single & Ready 2 (BWWM Interracial Romance)

· WriteChick Publishing
6 anmeldelser

Om denne e-bog

Just when Latanya Lockheart was feeling optimistic about her dating life, she is blindsided when trouble comes knocking at her door. With the past looming in the background, she is consumed with a slew of unanswered questions. She finds herself in a situation she has never experienced. Will Latanya fall back into what seems familiar or take a walk on the wild side?

This ebook is for mature audiences.

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Bedømmelser og anmeldelser

6 anmeldelser

Om forfatteren

★☆ ☆★

Lolah Lace is a best selling author of Interracial Romantic Fiction in various sub-genres. She currently resides in the Chicagoland area. She started her writing career as a teleplay and screenplay writer before switching gears and tackling a novel. She spends most of her spare time reading and watching ridiculous amounts of TV. She is passionate about writing and has a wealth of unfinished books she plans to publish.

You can sign up to her email newsletter at and to for more info on her upcoming books go to Connect with Lolah Lace on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads and at Erotic City her blog @

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