
· A Demon Hunter Romance 1. liburua · Thorny Books
49 iritzi
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Fate sucks. Even demon hunters deserve a little normal.

Born to fight the monsters that haunt our dreams, Quinn Fischer loves her job… until a prophecy from long ago points to her plucky demon-hunting team as those destined to take down one of the most notorious monsters of all time. Despite her hesitation, she goes all in with her fearsome team. After a devastating defeat, she's blasted from the battlefield and splashes down off the northwest coast of Alaska, without a memory to her name.

Ryan Hunt wanted no part in the blood-thirsty ways other demon hunters. Part of a covert Coast Guard crew assigned to protect the Pacific from the monsters that threaten humanity, Ryan has found a good routine. Well, until a smartass, gorgeous demon hunter lands off his bow.

Bound to their birthright, they must learn to trust each other in order to get to the source of the increased activity around the Bering Sea.

Light and dark, love and hate, adventure and humor. Get hooked on this paranormal romance series that will leave you deliciously satisfied... and eager for more.

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49 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Carrie's living her own happily ever after (with the inevitable ups and downs that go with it!) with her kids, husband, and dogs in the Pacific Northwest, working full time in healthcare, and always wishing the laundry would fold itself. When she’s not rocking the world of romantic fiction, she’s exploring the outdoors, travelling (or wishing she was), hanging out with her amazing family, or, quite frankly, she’s a total introvert and you can usually find her curled up in front of the fire or in the hammock with a romance novel. 

Writing romance is Carrie’s not-so-guilty pleasure. She believes in writing genuine and strong characters, promoting positive ideals, that love and happily ever afters are for everyone, kindness is humanity, and she cannot resist a zinging romance. 

For more exciting news and juicy details, wander on over to 

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