Smash Your Alarm Clock!: Living the Dream Through Real Estate Investing

· Post Hill Press
3 пікір
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Smash Your Alarm Clock is about making money, but also how to have a more fulfilled and meaningful life. It's a book about having the freedom to pursue your passions and interests—whether that's spending more time with your family, playing golf, volunteering at an animal shelter or traveling around the world. Studies show that having more money actually does make people happier—but it's when we use it to enrich our live and to help others.

We each have within us the power to turn our lives around at any moment.

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3 пікір

Авторы туралы

 Jason Buzi is a real estate investor and developer. He buys, builds, and fixes up houses throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. He has also invested in mobile home parks and raw land. In 2014, Jason gained worldwide celebrity and extensive news coverage as the man behind the Hidden Cash phenomenon, which sparked massive worldwide scavenger hunts in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, London, Berlin, Madrid and elsewhere.

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