So You Want to be Psychic?: Develop your Hidden Powers

· Watkins Media Limited
Sách điện tử
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Clairvoyance, healing, precognition, and mediumship: these are all examples of psychic powers that anyone can develop-thanks to the simple techniques and exercises developed by renowned psychic Billy Roberts. His methods--refined to perfection in Roberts's  extensive workshops--draw upon Eastern and metaphysical traditions and are adapted to appeal to secular and spiritual seekers alike.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Billy Roberts has been psychic since he was a child and went on to become one of the UK's leading stage psychics. He founded The Thought Workshop, one of the first centres for psychic and spiritual studies and alternative therapies in the UK, and is regarded as a leading authority on metaphysical and esoteric sciences. He has appeared on TV all over the world and has presented his own series, Secrets of the Paranormal. Today he continues to conduct workshops and seminars in many countries, specialising in psychic development and self-improvement

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