Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher's Guide to 95 Thought-Provoking Movies from Around the World

· McFarland
2 opinie

Informacje o e-booku

A sequel to the author's earlier work Plato and Popcorn: A Philosopher's Guide to 75 Thought-Provoking Movies, this book presents analyses of 95 movies from the Americas and 20 other countries. Each entry includes a brief introduction to the film along with a list of philosophical questions to ponder after viewing it. Most entries also include a list of additional recommended films.

The films cover a wide range of genres and topics--from the haunting tale of doomed Polish freedom fighters in Kanal's World War II Warsaw to the romantic and passionate story of rekindled love in Australia's Innocence.

Instructors considering this book for use in a course may request an examination copy here.

Oceny i recenzje

2 opinie

O autorze

William G. Smith is chair of the philosophy department at Millersville University of Pennsylvania.

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