Song of the West

· Hachette UK
18 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Sometimes you can't resist the forces of nature

A classic romance novel from Nora Roberts - the world's greatest storyteller

Olympic gymnast Samantha Evans and her twin sister Sabrina have chosen very different directions in life, but they are still as close as sisters can be. So when Sabrina begs her twin to help out during her pregnancy, Sam leaves her big city life behind for the countryside.

Sam thought she knew what to expect on her sister's ranch. But she wasn't expecting to find gorgeous but infuriating Jake Tanner - or have to deal with his teasing. Sam tries to keep her distance but something keeps pulling her back. When they're stranded together in a blizzard, Sam begins to wonder if there's more to Jake than meets the eye . . .

'Nora Roberts is, quite simply, a one-woman phenomenon'

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

18 ግምገማዎች


Nora Roberts is the number one New York Times bestseller of more than 200 novels. With over 500 million copies of her books in print, she is indisputably one of the most celebrated and popular writers in the world. She is both a Sunday Times bestseller in the UK and a number one bestseller in Australia.

የንባብ መረጃ

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