Magi grew up in Dublin as the youngest of eight children, they all had so much freedom with fields all around to play in. Magi’s Mam and Dad were so beautiful together and every Tuesday evening they would go into town to enjoy a movie together. It was so natural for neighbours to drop in for a cup of tea and a chat and now and again they would sit around and her Mam would read the tea leaves for them. They had a grocery shop and Magi loved when the breadman came in carrying crusty loaves on a wooden tray and to this day, the smell and of crusty bread is something she loves. Dressing the shop window was something she loved to do, there were three shelves which she would cover in crepe paper, usually red, and place boxes of biscuits and jars of sweets here and there and then go outside to admire her work. She loved spending time in the garden and Magi always felt that there was something so magical about being in nature. This is something that has not changed as she feels so very much at home walking through the Parks and woods.