Soulwork: Connecting with the Universe and your Spiritual Path to Find your True Purpose in Life

· Bublish, Inc.

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

"Winner of the 2022 Readers' Favorite Gold Medal in Non-Fiction - Inspirational genre!”

"A mind-expanding introduction to spiritual development, Soulwork is both nuanced and universal. Philosophy, dogma, theory, and anecdotal experience blend in a heady and inspiring read that evokes confidence without arrogance, and is compelling without proselytizing. Radcliffe has struck a balance that so many self-help and spiritual advisors miss, which makes this guide a true standout." - Self-Publishing Review, ★★★★★

Science demands we look at the world through a rational lens, and religion asks us to rely on faith, but most of us fall somewhere in between. We want to engage with our soul and connect to something larger than ourselves in a way that honors both our head and our heart. With love and compassion for the human journey, Soulwork offers a thoughtful approach to navigating the nebulous world of personal spiritual development. Using plenty of real-life examples, this book can help you;

Understand the life-changing benefits of doing your Soulwork

Connect with your own energy and that of the Universe

Tackle common barriers to working with unseen guidance

Determine if the Universe is trying to tell you something (vs. just your imagination)

Find your Soulwork, heal your core wounds, and bring your gifts into the world

Whether your spirituality is independent of a faith tradition or aligns with a current religious framework, Soulwork presents a process to help you get out of your own way to manifest your most fulfilling and meaningful life.

ავტორის შესახებ

Elizabeth Radcliffe (she/her/hers) was born and raised in Chicago, where the weather taught her to live with and, eventually, love uncertainty. She graduated from Indiana University with a BA in Philosophy and a background in Religious Studies. During a 1997 study abroad stint in Canterbury, England she dove headfirst into the ponderous pool of spirituality, from which she has never quite emerged. She now balances her life as a full-time working mom of two young tricksters with teaching workshops on manifestation, intuition, and the Spiritual Path through the Chicago Mind-Body-Spirit MeetUp group. Please visit her at for more information.

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