Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today's Kids

· David C Cook
1 bài đánh giá
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Our culture is saturated with the supernatural. TV shows such as Medium, Charmed, and Lost all have an "other-worldly" theme. Most of them blur the lines between good and evil. This past year was a "record" year for Hollywood in the production of films that dealt with the supernatural/paranormal. While we choose our entertainment, our kids don't often have the luxury of choosing whether to be exposed to these things at school.This book seeks to present a lucid and comprehensive examination of the paranormal and occult by breaking down the principles of paranormal practices, giving key points about the practices so that parents can readily identify them. The book discusses the occult view of supernatural energy and of good and evil, and how these concepts are seen in some popular literature and movies. The book also explains the dangers and gives a biblical basis for concern. Christian parents need to be equipped to discuss these matters with their children!

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1 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Marcia Montenegro is a former professional astrologer who was involved in seeking out the supernatural, as well as being involved in paranormal New Age practices. She was compelled by the intense love of Jesus to give up occult practices and turn to him as her Lord and Savior. Because of her background, she understands the appeal and dangers of the paranormal and now lectures on these topics around the country and on the radio. She is a member of Cherrydale Baptist Church and lives in Arlington, Virginia.

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